Saturday, October 27, 2012

Simple Progress (If You Want to Call It That)

I'm not perfect.

Sometimes I feel so human and so weak. I mean I write a blog about living simply, I've  read books about it, I've asked God to help me be more simple-minded. Yet somehow, most of the time I still find myself getting caught up in this crazy world. I still catch myself running around trying to make things work.

But lately, I've  been surprised and pleased by the stirrings in my heart. A few weeks ago, I was worried about my future and trying to sort it all out. But then through the help of a friend and through listening to God, I find myself more relaxed. I haven't sorted it all out, but I know God will and that He will show me what I need to do.

So where I am I right now? I'm a strange mix of sorting out living simply and working out my journey with God. It's never easy, but it's always a wonderful adventure.

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