Monday, February 18, 2013

Of Simple Goings And Doings

Yes, so yesterday I looked up and went, "I have a blog that people look at on occasion and if I don't post soon they might think I have fallen off the face of cyberspace.

Life has been really good lately. I've had a lot more peace even though my schedule has been hectic. God's helped me to focus on what I am working on and do my best there. It's been very freeing.

Last week I did my first day of hospital volunteering. That was so much fun. I like the people I get to volunteer with and they were very kind to newbie me.

And this weekend we had some dear missionary friends from Africa come over for a visit. I haven't seen them in 4 years and it was a real treat. Hearing about things through e-mail and facebook just isn't the same as a sit down talk. We had a great time hearing their stories and sharing what God was doing on this side of the Atlantic.

This week I have a lot going, but I'm not really worried. I know that God is going to give me the strength and courage to do all that I need to do. For now I can rest in that.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Making Simpleness out of The Craziness

My life has definitely taken a wonderful crazy turn.

Two weeks ago I was wishing for more activity and more to do. I got what I asked for. I now feel like I'm running around like crazy trying to do everything that needs to get done.

Despite all the craziness however, I am enjoying seeing things get up and going. I start volunteering at the hospital on Tuesday. And I'm pleased to report that ASL has been going very well. I'm on schedule for goals so far.

In the midst of everything, God has been teaching me to breath and let Him be in control. Knowing I'm not in charge makes life so much more simple. In the midst of the craziness, I can look to the One who is in control and be at peace.

I pray that you are all doing well and that you have a great weekend. Rose