Monday, February 18, 2013

Of Simple Goings And Doings

Yes, so yesterday I looked up and went, "I have a blog that people look at on occasion and if I don't post soon they might think I have fallen off the face of cyberspace.

Life has been really good lately. I've had a lot more peace even though my schedule has been hectic. God's helped me to focus on what I am working on and do my best there. It's been very freeing.

Last week I did my first day of hospital volunteering. That was so much fun. I like the people I get to volunteer with and they were very kind to newbie me.

And this weekend we had some dear missionary friends from Africa come over for a visit. I haven't seen them in 4 years and it was a real treat. Hearing about things through e-mail and facebook just isn't the same as a sit down talk. We had a great time hearing their stories and sharing what God was doing on this side of the Atlantic.

This week I have a lot going, but I'm not really worried. I know that God is going to give me the strength and courage to do all that I need to do. For now I can rest in that.

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