Monday, June 4, 2012

Simple Reason

Sometimes I feel like I’m not accomplishing much with blogging. I put my heart and soul in a post and … there are no comments. Stats are low. No one seems to notice.
Why do I even put out all this effort anyway? I mean it’s a lot of work. Do I do it for the comments? Do I do it so I can say, “I’m a blogger?” Do I do it because I want to inflate my ego and prove I’m right? Do I do that to get people’s attention?

Sadly sometimes as I look at my low stats, few comments, and few followers, I think that if I just had a few followers, comments, or hits I would be happy. But to place value in them is to place value in the wrong things. I don’t blog for comments or followers. I blog for the glory of God and to point others to Him. If I do that then I have done well, no matter what the stats say. If I have touched one life for the better, that is good enough.
The reason I blog is simple. It’s for Him. Without Him I would give it up.
So I pray that you are blessed today. I pray that will help me to look to Him and not stats.   

1 comment:

  1. I know just how you feel Rose. You blog has always been such an encouragement for me.
