Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Simple Randomness

Some random facts about me and some things I’m grateful for.

#1. I was freaking out this week about all that I have to do. But God keeps encouraging me and helping me be calm.

#2. I’m thankful for my family. They love me no matter what.

#3. I have about five books to read on my shelf. Do I have a lot of time? No, but I want to carve out some time to read. I enjoy it.

#4. I like jogging to run off stress and sooth my tense muscles.

#5. I’m thankful for this journey of simplicity. It’s definitely hard to think simple when you have a mound of paperwork on your desk. Or when you feel like your to-do list is never ending. Or when your calendar is filling up fast. But I try to just keep focused on one thing at a time and enjoy what is given to me.

#6. Kittens!

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