Saturday, August 25, 2012

Simple Reasons For Film

One of the things that I did over the summer was produce a short film for a small film festival. This was an exciting and nerve-racking process. Nerve-racking because I put a lot of pressure on myself and was the director of the film. Exciting because I got to see God work in some wonderful and amazing ways. Through the help of Filmmakers Academy and its teachers I was able to get the tools that I needed to make this short film into a reality.

But now the work is done. The film has been edited and sent off to the film festival judges. Now I await to see what they think of my work.

A hundred questions come to mind. Will they like my work? What will they think of the message? Is there anything I could have done better? Should I have done worked harder on it before I sent it off? Should I have ….? Okay as you see I think a lot about this film. But over all these questions there’s one that keeps surfacing to the top, surpassing all others. Pushing it’s way forward and waiting for an answer. Will this film be a blessing? Will it turn the eyes of those who watch it back to God?

I’m sad to say that sometimes my motives haven’t been the purest. I got distracted by the prizes, the fame, and wanting to be validated personally. As I thought about these reasons for the film, God helped me remember another reason I did this film. A reason that puts all others in the dust and gives me a reason to go forward. I enjoy making films for the glory of God. I enjoy telling a story that points people toward God.  And this summer God gave me two chances to use film to tell a story.

So whether I win or not, I know that God is in me, working through me to accomplish a greater purpose. If lives are touched with His love, nothing else matters. Nothing.

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