I had a simple thought for you today.
I was thinking about the story of Jesus. The Bible says, "for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross despising the shame." Our Lord could see the joy on the other side of the cross. He could see all the good. He could see the glory. He knew how things would end up.
Yet in the Garden, He cried out to Abba to take the cup away. He prayed for the hour to pass. He asked to not go through the torture. In the end however, He surrendered to His Father and drank the cup.
How do we think we are any better than Him? How do we think that when a storm is coming that we can just grin and bear it? Fear is a real emotion, one that should be worked through, not ignored. Know that even Jesus cried out. And God heard Him and gave Him strength.
So if you are struggling with fear or a storm, know that God understands your fears and pains. You're not alone. Even if you're in a garden and your friends are sleeping instead of praying for you! God will go through the storm with you.
No, we can't be better than the Son of God. But we can follow in His steps and continue to trust our Abba.
Just remember this after the storm, the sun always shines again. Always!
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